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Maped infinity Colouring Pencils – First News Puzzle Competition!

maped infinity colouring pencils

First News Competition!

To celebrate the launch of Maped Infinity, the only self-sharpening colouring pencils, we have an exclusive competition for First News readers!



infinity colouring pencils with 2023 stationery award sticker

How to enter:

To be in with a chance to win, find the Maped Infinity Colouring Pencils below and send your answers to competitions@mapedhelix.co.uk with your child’s name and age.


where's infinity puzzle competition for first news


To find out more about Maped Infinity, click here!


Competition Terms and Conditions:

The company Maped Helix is organising a competition, in First News 12th July edition, the rules of which are visible below.



The company Maped Helix (the “Organiser”) whose registered office is located at Building 92, The Pensnett Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 7FP, registered company number 7892742, is organising a competition without obligation to purchase “First News Maped Infinity Puzzle Competition”, in First News, (here after referred to as “the Competition”) from Friday 12th July 2024 to Saturday 27th July 2024 inclusive.



The competition is open to children aged from 4 to 14 years old, represented by an adult residing in the UK with internet access and a valid e-mail address, excluding employees of the organiser and its affiliates as well as members of their families, agencies and any person who participated in the organisation of this competition.


The participant authorises all verifications concerning their identity. Any person who does not meet these conditions or refuses to justify them will be excluded from the competition.


The costs relating to participation in the competition and in particular the costs of internet connection are the sole responsibility of the participants, who will not be able to claim any refund from the organiser.


The mere fact of participating in the competition implies the acceptance of all the stipulations of these rules.



To participate in the competition, the parent will need to send the answers to the Infinity Puzzle shown in First News 12th July edition.

To enter, answers must be submitted on an email to competition@mapedhelix.co.uk from July 12th to July 27th 2024 inclusive:

No other means of participation will be accepted. Any participation that is incomplete or does not comply with these rules cannot be taken into account and cannot be the subject of any claim.


Only one entry per child (same surname, first name, address) will be allowed.


1 winner will be selected at random as part of the competition.


The winner will be selected on July 29th. The winners will be contacted by email to inform them of their win. They must then communicate to the organiser their first and last names, postal address and email addresses in order to receive their prize.


The winner will have a period of 5 working days from the announcement of the winner to confirm their acceptance of the prize and share their contact details. Any winner who has not responded within this period will be considered as having renounced their prize altogether. At the end of this period, another winner will be chosen.


The organiser can in no way be held responsible for the non-receipt of email confirming winnings.


1 Prize will be available as part of the 2024 Maped Infinity Pencils First News Competition for a total estimated value of £89.40.

Prize bundle composed as follows:

  • 1 Color’Peps Aqua Felt pens: £5.49
  • 1 Color’Peps Duo Stamp pens (x8): £4.49
  • 1 Color’Peps Magic Felts Pens (x10): £4.99
  • 1 Color’Peps Infinity Colouring Pencils (x12): £4.99
  • 1 Color’Peps Oops Erasable Colouring Pencils (x12): £4.49
  • 5 Color’Peps Infinity Colouring Pencils Class Packs (x72): £64.95



Prizes are not exchangeable, replaceable or refundable, and cannot give rise to any monetary consideration, for any reason whatsoever, even in the event of loss, theft or damage.


The prizes are awarded to the winner as designated above and are not transferable.


The Prizes will be sent to the postal address communicated by the winner. The prizes that cannot be handed over as a result of an error, omission or modification in the contact details transmitted by the winner, will be kept by the organiser.


After sending the packages, the organiser cannot be held responsible for the damage suffered by the package and its contents or the delivery time of the carrier.


The organiser will take all necessary measures to comply with these rules and can in no way incur any liability if, in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control or justified necessity, it is required to cancel this competition, shorten it, extend it, postpone it or modify its conditions, its responsibility cannot be engaged for this fact. In any case, it reserves the right to extend the participation period.


The responsibility of the organiser cannot be incurred, in a general way, in case of force majeure or fortuitous event beyond its control.


The organiser reserves the right to sue anyone who has defrauded or attempted to do so. In particular, it will be considered fraud for a participant to enter the competition under one or more fictitious names or borrowed from one or more third parties, each participant having to enter in the competition under their own name. In the event of a breach or fraud on the part of a participant, the organiser reserves the right to automatically exclude any participation emanating from the latter, without the latter being able to claim anything whatsoever.


Prizes may not give rise to any dispute or claim of any kind, nor be exchanged, nor be the subject of a payment of their value in cash at the request of the winners.


The organiser does not replace the original seller of these prices; consequently, the Winner undertake not to seek the responsibility of the organiser with regard to the prizes in particular their delivery, their condition, their qualities or any consequences generated by the possession or use of the prize(s).


The information collected about the winner as part of their participation is mandatory. They are intended for the organiser for the purpose of participating in the competition, managing the winners and sending the prizes.

They are collected as part of the competition but will only be used for commercial purposes (communication, promotions, through newsletters in particular) following the participant’s agreement.

The personal information collected in the context of this competition is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data. All participants in the competition have in accordance with these regulations the right of access, right of rectification, right to erasure (right to be forgotten), right of opposition, right to limitation of processing, right to portability. To exercise these rights, participants must send a registered letter to the address of the competition organiser indicated on the first page of these rules, attaching a copy of their identity document.

In the event of a breach of the above provisions, participants have the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office.)

The personal data collected by the organiser (surname, first name, postal address and email of the participants) during participation in the competition are only collected and processed for the purpose of ensuring the organisation and smooth running of the competition and in particular the allocation of prizes. They will only be stored and kept for a maximum period of 6 months from the closing of the operation. The personal data concerning you will be destroyed at the end of this period.

In accordance with its privacy policy (https://mapedhelix.co.uk/privacy-policy/), the organiser may communicate the personal data of each participant to the judicial authorities in order to respond to an injunction or other request from such authorities.


No financial compensation will be claimed from the participants as a result of their participation.


Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of these rules by the participants, as well as the laws and regulations and other texts applicable in the UK.