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Display photographs of your special memories in a handmade photo frame. Follow our easy guide to find out how to make your very own Lollypop stick frame, a lovely item to decorate your home or to give away to a friend!
Activity created for Maped Helix by Blog Les Tastes et les Couleurs de Laurence.
Lollypop sticks
Brush felts
Duo stamp felts
Glitter glue
Wooden clothes peg
Strong glue
Gather the necessary equipment and choose a photo to frame.
Colour the lollypop sticks, around 10 – 12 for a small, polaroid size photo.
Then decorate however you like! You could use glitter, sequins and stamps or add patterns such as stripes or zigzags.
Arrange the sticks next to each other and glue them together to form a square, then allow the sticks to dry.
Once dry, the sticks form a wooden square. On the back, you can stick 2 sticks perpendicular to the others to bring strength to the frame.
Glue the wooden clip at the top of the frame. Clip in your photo, then your frame is complete!