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Help your pupils discover the magic of pen pals

pen pals for pupils logo with lined paper background

Are you a teacher and do you want to encourage your pupils to ditch the tech and discover the magic of pen pals?


Here at Maped Helix we’re delighted to launch our Pen Pals 4 Pupils campaign for schools as part of our National Stationery Week celebrations.


The project will link children in Years 3 to 5 with their peers in other parts of the country, offering them a safe way to exchange handwritten letters and build lifelong friendships.


Once we’ve matched your class with a suitable group elsewhere, your pupils can immediately start sharing stories and ideas with their new pen pal, helping to improve literacy and boosting imagination in a fun and exciting way.


Any school in the UK can sign up for free – and all participating schools will have the opportunity to attend a free creative writing masterclass with bestselling children’s author Chris Smith.


The virtual session with Chris, who is well-known to children from his time on BBC’s Newsbeat show, will take place on May 15.


Five schools selected at random will also win a Maped Helix stationery prize bundle to help the pupils with their letter writing, as well as signed copies of Chris’ new book, Clarity Jones and the Magical Detective Agency.


Schools can sign up below between April 24 and May 11.

Click here for further information about Pen Pals 4 Pupils.