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How can i help: A parent’s guide to revision season!

child doing homework

That dreaded time of the year is creeping back around (no not the summer holidays!) exam season! It can be a time where we see a different side to our children, they may be more stressed, more focused, or feeling quite lost in this hectic time. We have put together some of our top tips on how we can encourage them to keep calm during this time and help as best we can in other ways.



Don’t let them get too obsessed with revision!


Although this may sound counter-productive, it can actually do them more harm than good to focus their entire lives around revision. This can cause a lot more stress than needed and can in fact, hinder how well they perform in exams. A gentle reminder that exam results aren’t everything and that all they can do is their best is an important message to relay to them during this time.


girl revising at her school desk




Let them channel into your positive energy


The energy we put out into the world is very contagious without us being aware, so make sure they’re tuning into your calm and collected space! The energy that is most persistent and constant will set the tone for the whole house, so by staying stress-free, positive and peaceful during revision time, we naturally invite our children to match with us. This will be more beneficial for them than you realise!


positive vibes only sign coloured in green purple and pink





Encourage exercise


Certain subjects and areas can be more stressful or difficult than others and an exercise break can be everything they need to let off some steam and start fresh! Even as silly as a kitchen dance break to their favourite songs, a family bike ride or an hour at their favourite playground can make such a positive difference to their attitude towards revision.



young children playing football in the park




Make time for play and crafts


Humans, (let alone mini ones!) have a very limited capacity when it comes to sustained periods of work. This means there will be a point where you simply cannot concentrate as well anymore as persistent as you are! Therefore, that taking regular short breaks, whether they feel they need them yet or not, will actually aid their ability to retain information and give their brains a chance to breathe and recharge. They are then left feeling productive and alert during revision time.




green infinity colouring pencil colouring flowers




Get involved!


You can help them out in more ways than you probably imagine! Aside from ensuring they have a safe and comfortable environment to revise, simply asking them what they may need will show you’re there to support whenever possible which will be a great comfort to them. Proactively getting involved in their revision is another great option! Making notecards together and creating mini quizzes can be both fun and helpful. Allowing them to physically speak through what they have learnt and teaching you about their subjects is another amazing way of them subtly testing how well they have remembered the information.



parents and children at the table doing some homework




Be flexible and adaptable


During this stressful time, other jobs and routines may completely go out of the window, especially if this may be their first stressful encounter… and that’s okay! It’s perfectly normal for them to find it difficult to regulate their day to day routine whilst also incorporating this new task! Therefore, it’s best to offer them support and not judgement if other things get neglected, such as tidying their bedroom, eating at dinner times or going to sleep at set bed times. Remember that exam season doesn’t last forever and normality will come back around – just be as understanding and supportive as possible!



two young boys cleaning their room





Important Reminder:


Accommodating to your children’s individual needs is very important and learning is definitely not a “one size fits all” experience! Showing support, understanding and encouragement are the most important parts of being a parent, especially during exam season. Embracing the uniqueness and preferred learning style of all children will only empower them to do their best and enjoy their school experience!